Natural Rose Quartz 8mm Bracelet With Lab Testing Certificat..More




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Product Description

Rose Quartz stones opens your heart Chakra to bring unconditional love in your life. This stone has a very high vibration when it comes to love and passion and hence this stone can be used to enhance all kinds of love such as couple, family, friends, romantic, etc. This stone decreases anger, enhances love, brings calmness and composure and also decreases stress. It is also believed to ease problems related to sexual drive or sexual frustrations.

How to use this bracelet?

You can wear it on your wrist after putting your intention into it and manifesting with it.

Does it matter on which wrist I wear my bracelet?

Yes, it does matter. Be very careful before wearing any crystal bracelet. You can anytime connect with our expert or crystal consultant if you have even slightest of doubt on which hand to wear it.

You can wear your bracelet in the left hand if you want to absorb the crystal’s energy into your aura and you can wear it in the right hand when you want to radiate the energy outside.

According to Hath yoga, Taoism and Tantrism left side is associated with feminine energy and is receptive side representing Moon and right side is associated with masculine energy which is manifesting side representing Sun.

You can wear crystal bracelet in the left wrist when you want to resonate your aura with the crystal’s aura, focus on healing energies within your body or while you are sleeping at night when your body is more receptive.

You can wear bracelet in the right wrist when you want to release any negative energy from your aura, manifest your intentions or facilitate the control of your energies.

How to cleanse this bracelet?

There are many ways to cleanse the bracelet. Below are some of the options:

Keep it under the moonlight for 8 hours on a full moon day or
Use selenite/ charging plate to cleanse crystals in the bracelet and re energize them or
Use sage smudge stick cleansing method
How long does it take for the crystals to show their effect?

The effects of crystals take place at a physical level. The molecules of crystals vibrate at different speeds, which creates an energy field that affects human consciousness and the environment. This is why healing crystals are used to harmonize your energetic vibrations or balance your chakra.

It can take anywhere between 10 to 60 days for changes to take full effect. It also depends upon the person and situation. Timeframes can vary from individual to individual based on how hard they are willing to work and manifest.

How to take care of your crystal bracelet?

Taking care of your crystal bracelet is much easier than you think. It doesn't require silk gloves or any other fancy caretakers, just some common sense and a little bit of dedication to upkeep.

Always keep your crystals clean and charged. Bracelets need to be cleaned every few weeks in order to maintain clarity.
Do not share your crystal with anyone. It’s yours to use.
Avoid using any chemicals of any kind, as this may permanently damage the surface of the crystal.
If your crystal is damaged or broken, stop using it and bury it safely in your garden. Near plants or tress can be a good place.

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